HSK 等级3

怎么写汉字 注

汉字 注 的组词

汉字 注 的例句

我们海托普家族经常被宫廷雇佣。( 海托普为疯帽子的姓)
Hightopp clan have always been employed at court.
出自:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》|《Alice in Wonderland》
今天是格里布利格日,在红皇后纪元中 ( 格里布利格日为自造词,特指爱丽丝归来之日)。
Today is Griblig Day in the time of the Red Queen.
出自:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》|《Alice in Wonderland》
Something terrible happened to me in 1982, when I bet everything on a depression that never came.
出自:《成功的原则》|《Principles for Success》
但是,那会违反我的誓言的,因此,我决定流放你到外域去。( 外域为地下世界的极西地域)
However, that is against my vows, therefore, you are banished to the Outlands.
出自:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》|《Alice in Wonderland》
Hey. Hey. I just wanna say good-bye to you guys and to see if you guys will place a little bet for me? Twenty bucks on black 15. You got it. All right.
出自:《老友记 第五季》|《Friends Season 5》