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HSK Level2

How to write character 咱




Compounds with character 咱

Example sentences with 咱

Yeah, okay, great. Can we just get this over with?
出自:《生活大爆炸 第7季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 7》
We have a flag? Never fly it upside down. Unless the apartment's in distress.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第三季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》
No, don't do that. No reason to be mean to her.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第四季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》
But that's our thing, lording our tolerance over others.
出自:《摩登家庭 第八季》|《Modern Family Season 8》
Well, now that it's out in the open, let's take a look at what you're doing wrong.
出自:《女孩成长记 第一季》|《Girl Meets World Season 1》
看看,接下来是啥? 哦,这个这是我发现元素时用的马克笔。
Let's see, what's next? Okay! Here. This is the Magic Marker I was using when I made the discovery.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第7季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 7》
Oh, no worries, I explained my predicament to our letter carrier.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第四季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》
This may be the alcohol talking, but I believe there is.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第四季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》
Didn't it look like that spear was going to go right through your skull? No.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第三季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》
What do we need? I mean, I can try to coordinate with our suppliers. I had a baby. I'm not dead.
出自:《实习医生格蕾 第十季》|《Greys Anatomy Season 10》
Hey, look at this. 20 people from the university have already signed up for our private beta.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第四季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》
You may also experience strange and powerful new urges. Okay, let's get you back in your luggage.
出自:《超能陆战队》|《Big Hero 6》
He attacked our friend, and her husband protected her, and now we are gonna protect them.
出自:《绝望主妇 第八季》|《Desperate Housewives Season 8》
You know, I say, next, we take on Koothrappali and his dog. Really give ourselves a challenge.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第八季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 8》
Howard wanted to write "Mumbo jumbo," But I said no. Our Sheldon would say "Hokum."
出自:《生活大爆炸 第三季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》
Like, "Hey, the waitress is hot, I bet we could get her to come home with us."
出自:《生活大爆炸 第二季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 2》
That story makes me want to put a pillow over my face. Can we just get this over with? I have a spray tan at 4:00.
出自:《摩登家庭 第八季》|《Modern Family Season 8》
Bottom line is, I'm coming right to you, Tiny Dog. And the big fat brown dog, we will get him too.
出自:《爱宠大机密》|《The Secret Life of Pets》
好了,Kripke ,你刚说那兴趣爱好,是我不太讨厌的,我提议一起去玩。
All right, Kripke, that last interest strikes me as the least objectionable, and I would like to propose that we do that together.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第二季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 2》
Look at us, getting ready for a double date with actual women who publicly acknowledge they're our girlfriends.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第三季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》