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Как писать иероглиф 沾


Слова с иероглифом 沾

equal share of profits
get wet
be stained with mud
shoot an air ball

Примеры предложений с иероглифом 沾

First, dip the stick in the mixture. Then, take a big breath and blow. Bubble.
出自:《粉红猪小妹 第二季》|《Peppa Pig Season 2》
You have a condom stuck to your shoe.
出自:《摩登家庭 第七季》|《Modern Family Season 7》
我知道怎么让乔治可以吹泡泡。先把棍子拿起来 ,再向四周挥一挥。泡泡!
I know a way George can make bubbles. Dip the stick in the mixture, then lift it up and wave it around. Bubble.
出自:《粉红猪小妹 第二季》|《Peppa Pig Season 2》
George, now it's your turn. Dip the stick in the mixture, hold it up, take a big breath, and blow.
出自:《粉红猪小妹 第二季》|《Peppa Pig Season 2》
The carbon, it's messy, I mean it gets on your fingers and causes, the night blindness.
出自:《老友记 第三季》|《Friends Season 3》
What? You've got some on your pants. I'll just throw them out.
出自:《老友记 第三季》|《Friends Season 3》
Okay, that's amazing. How did you know that? You got ink on your lip.
出自:《老友记 第五季》|《Friends Season 5》
Oh, you have a little something... Oh, I'll get it this time. Oh, excuse me.
出自:《摩登家庭 第六季》|《Modern Family Season 6 》
I'm not sure that's such a good idea. You might cement in some bad habits. I did it again!
出自:《摩登家庭 第六季》|《Modern Family Season 6 》
Before you all start grabbing bricks to stone me at The Hague, you might wanna check your own hands for blood.
出自:《敢死队3》|《The Expendables 3》
That psychic had food all down her blouse. She couldn't predict her mouth opening, let alone your life.
出自:《破产姐妹 第五季》|《2 Broke Girls Season 5》
What is he doing? What, Emily, thinks Ross's furniture has got Rachel cootie? Calm down Joey.
出自:《老友记 第五季》|《Friends Season 5》
Leonard, these rental tuxedos have been worn by hundreds of sweaty strangers. I don't like my own sweat touching my skin, how do you think I feel about theirs?
出自:《生活大爆炸 第五季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 5》
You've slain something so pure that for the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life, a cursed life.
出自:《哈利·波特与魔法石》|《Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone》
It's got a bit muddy. So we washed it. And it all went a bit wrong. Sorry, Daddy.
出自:《小猪佩奇 第三季》|《Peppa Pig Season 3》
It's got a bit muddy. So we wash it. And it all went a bit wrong. Sorry, Daddy.
出自:《100天养成流利口语》|《Get fluent spoken English in 100 days》
And you can see the meat is all lovely and tenderized. Now I'm going to make these into meatballs, so a good trick is to wet your hands, because that means that the meat mixture doesn't stick to your hands when you're moulding them.
出自:《中餐速成》|《Chinese Food Made Easy》
No. Once these puppies touch the ground they're mine, and I'll have to wear them walking up and down Hollywood Boulevard in order to pay them off. Pretty, pretty, pretty.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第四季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》
"Saturday, March 3rd. 0705, meeting called to order. 0706, president gets shampoo in eye. 0707, meeting adjourned."
出自:《生活大爆炸 第十一季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 11》
I got the mail. Would it have killed you to give me one without ketchup on it? Move! You have room! No, move out! You're 40!
出自:《摩登家庭 第六季》|《Modern Family Season 6 》