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Как писать иероглиф 姓




Слова с иероглифом 姓

maiden name;maiden name

Примеры предложений с иероглифом 姓

No oh, keep your name, don't take his name.
出自:《老友记 第三季》|《Friends Season 3》
是吗?那他什么? ..南方群岛?他最喜欢吃什么? 三明治。
Oh yeah? What's his last name? Of the Southern Isles? What's his favorite food? Sandwiches.
He didn't ask me to marry him. Oh. Well then definitely don't take his name.
出自:《老友记 第三季》|《Friends Season 3》
Well, it certainly worked for that Valdez kid.
出自:《老友记 第四季》|《Friends Season 4》
获理赔的人是谁? 我想应该是个霍克理的人。
Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose? I should imagine someone named Hockley.
Unless he takes Bernadette's last name. And considering her advanced status, that could open some doors for him.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第四季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》
我们海托普家族经常被宫廷雇佣。(注 海托普为疯帽子的
Hightopp clan have always been employed at court.
出自:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》|《Alice in Wonderland》
She didn't sleep well last night, so we can't wake her. Are you frigging kidding me, Greene?
出自:《老友记 第十季》|《Friends Season 10》
It's nice to meet you. Janine? Lecroix. Janine Lecroix. I didn't know that. Well, what a pretty last name.
出自:《老友记 第六季》|《Friends Season 6》
Wait, now, we don't know that yet. He isn't finished. I have a girlfriend and you don't who?
出自:《生活大爆炸 第四季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》
That's right, Mrs. K. What did that K stand for? I have no idea, dear. She was the nanny.
出自:《老友记 第八季》|《Friends Season 8》
Is your name Jack or Jackwill? You thought his name was Jackwill? Yeah, a lotta people call me by my first and last name.
Even my mother had an ID Tag on me. Well, it was a flea collar, but...
出自:《破产姐妹 第三季》|《2 Broke Girls Season 3》
观众里有多少人跟我同一个,雷斯尼克?请举手。有人是吗? 没有。明显,有一两个。
How many people in the audience have the last name Resnick like me? Raise your hand. Anybody? Nobody. Typically, there's one or two.
出自:《TED:欢迎进入基因革命时代》|《TED: Genomic revolution》
It looks like the congresswoman is leaning toward a yes. You know, I was thinking, when you run, you should use your maiden name instead.
出自:《纸牌屋 第四季》|《House of Cards Season 4》
I don't care. Ask her things like "Are you going to take Howard's name?" Not "Who's going to sit on who."
出自:《生活大爆炸 第五季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 5》
Look at his eyes! I'll give you a hint. His name's Yang! He won a national math competition in China! He doesn't even speak English! Yeah, I'm sure of the math.
出自:《大空头》|《The Big Short》
不对,我确实救了一个人,那个坐在我对面的女人,我让她下了车。告诉我她的名字。克莉丝汀娜 我记不得她什么了。
No, but I saved one person, that girl, that's always sitting across from me. I pulled her off the train. Give me her name. Christina, I don't remember her last name.
出自:《源代码》|《Source Code》