The character "零" has 13 strokes. "零" is one of the 3500 commonly used characters. The character "零" has 1 pronunciations, . The pronunciations of "零" are "líng" . View the stroke order of "零">>

The basic meaning of the Chinese character "零"

v.: (of rain, dew, tears, etc) fall; drop; (of plants, flowers, etc) wither

adj.: fragmentary; fractional

n.: fragment; fraction

num.: naught; zero; nil; null

Form words with "零"

零抢跑规则 no-false-start rule

零风险投资 zero-risk investment

幂零分量 nilpotent component

消去两个零 cross out two ‘0's

零和游戏 zero-sum game;zero-sum game

零和心态 zero-sum mentality

幂零矩阵 nilpotent matrix

幂零变换 nilpotent transformation

零口供规则 zero-confession rule

一分零九秒 one minute nine seconds

零和局面 zero-sum situation

幂零代数 nilpotent algebra

进行零重力试验 conduct experiments in zero gravity

对毒品零容忍政策 a zero-tolerance policy on drugs

Example phrases using "零"

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