The character "防" has 6 strokes. "防" is one of the 3500 commonly used characters. The character "防" has 1 pronunciations, . The pronunciations of "防" are "fáng" . View the stroke order of "防">>

The basic meaning of the Chinese character "防"

n.: dyke; dam; embankment; defence

v.: prevent; guard/provide against; defend

Form words with "防"

防坦克炮 anti-tank gun

防碎玻璃 shatter-proof glass

防坦克阵地 anti-tank position

防坦克雷区 anti-tank minefield

防坦克壕 anti-tank ditch

防唇裂油膏 lipsalve

防催泪毒气面具 tear mask

Example phrases using "防"

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