The character "诗" has 8 strokes. "诗" is one of the 3500 commonly used characters. The character "诗" has 1 pronunciations, . The pronunciations of "诗" are "shī" . View the stroke order of "诗">>

The basic meaning of the Chinese character "诗"

n.: poetry; poem; verse

Form words with "诗"

哲理诗 philosophical poem

跨行诗 enjambment poem

讽喻诗 allegorical poem

韵律诗 rhythm (ical) poetry/poem

有形诗 figure poem

咏怀诗 poems of one's heart

押韵诗 rhyme

即事诗 extempore poem

即景诗 extempore verse/poem

格言诗 gnomic poetry

诗的主题 subject of a poem

英雄偶句诗 heroic couplet

给诗配乐 musicalize a poem

给诗配曲 set a poem to music

Example phrases using "诗"

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