The character "溜" has 13 strokes. "溜" is one of the 3500 commonly used characters. The character "溜" has 2 pronunciations, it is a polyphonic character. The pronunciations of "溜" are "liū" "liù" . View the stroke order of "溜">>

The basic meaning of the Chinese character "溜"

v.: slide; glide; sneak away; slip off; cast a glance (at sb/sth); go along; practise; exercise; fill up or seal (a crack or crevice)

adj.: smooth; slippery; swift; rapid

adv.: very

n.: rapid/swift current; torrent; rainwater from the roof; eaves gutter; neighbourhood; neighbour; vicinity

quant.: line; queue; row; column

Form words with "溜"

铅笔削得溜尖 keep the pencil sharp

一碗溜尖的面条 a bowl overfilled with noodles

Example phrases using "溜"

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