The character "安" has 6 strokes. "安" is one of the 3500 commonly used characters. The character "安" has 1 pronunciations, . The pronunciations of "安" are "ān" . View the stroke order of "安">>

The basic meaning of the Chinese character "安"

adj.: safe; secure; quiet; calm; at ease; comfortable; easy; cosy; cheerful; happy

v.: calm; pacify; set (sb's mind) at ease; stabilize; be content (with); feel satisfied (with); find a place for; establish in a position or place; fit; install; fix; cherish; harbour; bestow/confer (a title on sb); impute sth to sb

pron.: where

adv.: how

quant.: ampere (A)

Form words with "安"

兆伏安 megavolt-ampere

500安电流 current of 500 amperes

15安的保险丝 15-ampere fuse

Example phrases using "安"

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