The character "化" has 4 strokes. "化" is one of the 3500 commonly used characters. The character "化" has 2 pronunciations, it is a polyphonic character. The pronunciations of "化" are "huà" "huā" . View the stroke order of "化">>

The basic meaning of the Chinese character "化"

v.: change; turn; transform; make change; convert; influence; beg alms; melt; dissolve; digest; burn up; (of monks and priests) die; pass away

n.: customs and habits; chemistry

: -ize; -ify

Form words with "化"

花岗岩化 granitization

碎片化 fragmentation

语境化 contextualization

黄土化 loessify

集装箱化 containerization

极小化 minimization

名词化 nominalize

云英岩化 greisenization

集权化 centralization

极大化 maximation

电机化 electromechanize

磁极化 magnetic polarization

软腭化 velarization

鼻音化 nasalization

语法化 grammaticalize

干酪化 caseation

磁盘格式化 disc formatting

氚化作用 tritiation

Example phrases using "化"

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