النطق الصينيtǎoانقر للاستماع إلى نطق الحرف 讨
عدد الخطوط5
HSK المستوى2

كيفية كتابة الحرف 讨

الكلمات المركبة للحرف 讨

جمل توضيحية للحرف 讨

How much candy do we have to hand out before I go trick-or-treating? Can't I just take a knife and go by myself?
出自:《摩登家庭 第八季》|《Modern Family Season 8》
No. No, Ross, we do not hate Emily. We just, we just think that you're having to sacrifice a whole lot to make her happy. Yeah.
出自:《老友记 第五季》|《Friends Season 5》