النطق الصينيkǎoانقر للاستماع إلى نطق الحرف 考
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كيفية كتابة الحرف 考


الكلمات المركبة للحرف 考

get full marks

جمل توضيحية للحرف 考

Mr. Rostenkowski, are you busy? Oh, just looking at some old pictures. Come on in.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第五季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 5》
Oh, I'll leave the cheating to you, Chuck. I plan on taking the SATS myself.
出自:《绯闻女孩 第一季》|《Gossip Girl Season 1》
Be safe, score a hundred. Okay, let's take a break. Be back in 10.
出自:《当幸福来敲门》|《The Pursuit of Happyness》
My name is Captain Colter Stevens. I fly helicopter for the US Army in Afghanistan.
出自:《源代码》|《Source Code》
Nurse Cornish, how long have you been with us now? Seven years. Seven years. Okay.
出自:《神探夏洛克 第四季》|《Sherlock Season 4》
尔特·斯蒂文斯,第17空降部队的直升机飞行员,我查的第一个网站就有。他父亲叫唐纳德 对吧,这是上周新闻。
Colter Stevens, 17th Air-borne helicopter pilot, was on the first site I tried. His father's name is Donald, right?This is from last week.
出自:《源代码》|《Source Code》
Donald Stevens will join host Eleonor Gwah to discuss the death of his son, Army Captain Colter Stevens, who died in Afghanistan in February and was honored posthumously with the Silver Star.
出自:《源代码》|《Source Code》
What do you mean, saline? Well, obviously, I got Nurse Cornish to switch the bags. She's a big fan, you know? Loves my blog.
出自:《神探夏洛克 第四季》|《Sherlock Season 4》
Favorite shooter? Excuse me? James Halliday's favorite first-person shooter. What? Oh. GoldenEye. Playing as? Oddjob. Is this a test?
出自:《头号玩家》|《Ready Player One》