النطق الصينيانقر للاستماع إلى نطق الحرف 玛
عدد الخطوط7
HSK المستوى8

كيفية كتابة الحرف 玛


الكلمات المركبة للحرف 玛

جمل توضيحية للحرف 玛

Martine is quite the go-getter. I'm aware. She's trying to go get and kill my friend.
出自:《疑犯追踪 第四季》|《Person of Interest Season 4》
Say hello to Jemima, Sarah and Vanessa. Hello. And here is Naval.
出自:《小猪佩奇 第三季》|《Peppa Pig Season 3》
Now we will have eggs for breakfast. Thank you, Jemima, Sarah, and Vanessa. Boiled eggs for everyone.
出自:《小猪佩奇 第三季》|《Peppa Pig Season 3》
现在她的名字是什么?呃 玛戈·金,王字旁的,干戈的戈。金,金色的金。
Now let's start with her name. Margot Kim, Ma- M-A-R-G-O-T. Kim, K-I-M.
Mariela Morales is my favorite actress, and she's staying in a hotel in town under the fake name Carmelita Contreras.
出自:《摩登家庭 第七季》|《Modern Family Season 7》
Stalker. While I'm with Mariela, you're gonna go back to your coffee girl and you're gonna give her the chance to get to know you.
出自:《摩登家庭 第七季》|《Modern Family Season 7》
Good morning, Jemima, Sarah, and Vanessa. Do you have any eggs for us? One, two, three, four. Four eggs, Granny.
出自:《小猪佩奇 第三季》|《Peppa Pig Season 3》