النطق الصينيkǎnانقر للاستماع إلى نطق الحرف 坎
عدد الخطوط7
HSK المستوى8

كيفية كتابة الحرف 坎



الكلمات المركبة للحرف 坎

جمل توضيحية للحرف 坎

Really, which broad? What's her name? Candice.
出自:《美国队长3》|《Captain America: Civil War》
What's this? That's the bottle city of Kandor. You see, Kandor was the capital city of the planet Krypton.
出自:《生活大爆炸 第一季》|《The Big Bang Theory Season 1》
Although when I first started, because I had Barbara in my head, I would try to sit like Barbara, talk like Barbara, move like Barbara, and then when I was on the news, reading the news, and I called Canada, "Can-a-da" and that was the end of me being Barbara.
出自:《奥普拉演讲》|《Oprah Winfrey Speech at Harvard》